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Give The People What We Want : Songs Of Kinks
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  • Quantidade de canções: 19

  • Origem: Brasil

  • Gênero: Hard Rock


Kinks - Give The What We Want
Selo: Trama
Catálogo: T004/608-2
Formato: CD, Coletânea
País: Brasil
Editado: 2002
Gênero: Rock
Estado: Ótimo estado
Estilo: Rock, Hard Rock

1. Revenge - C Average
2. Gotta Get The First Plane Home - Young Fresh Fellows
3. Nothin In The World Can Stop Me Worryin' Bout That Girl - Mark Lanegan
4. Who Will Be The Next In Line - Mudhoney
5. Ring The Bells - Model Rockets
6. This Man He Weeps Tonight - The Fallouts
7. The Way Love Used To Be - Heather Duby
8. Sunny Afternoon - Baby Gramps
9. Alcohol - The Murder City Devils
10. Session Man - The Congratulators
11. Tin Soldier Man - Love As Laughter
12. Waterloo Sunset - The Fastbacks
13. Fancy - Jon Auer
14. Brainwashed - The Pinkos
15. Act Nice And Gentle - Larry Barrett
16. Wicked Annabella - The Minus 5
17. Strangers - The Makers
18. Come Dancing - The Briefs
19. I Go To Sleep - Nikol Kollars

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